Artist run temporary exhibition concept curated by Sarice Brudet and Temorscha Zoltani with the objective to create besides the exhibitions a space for thought and foster dialogs and interdisciplinary connections.
The exhibitions at THE SPACE // are centered around the human mind, body and soul and explore how the Self is transformed and shaped by society, technology and its relation to nature and the cosmos.
How does the Self and the perception of the Self correlate with the outside and its surrounding in a seemingly unpredictable world shaped by globalization, technology and climate change?
How can the Self retain optimism to create change and disconnect from set and conditioned perceptions, preconceptions and prejudices in order to alter these perspective, question the status quo and self-limiting beliefs?
The artists explore notions and reasoning of contemporary consciousness, constructive abstraction, inner and outer worlds. Questions center around the intuitive mind vs the rational, resonance, energies and frequencies, concepts of time and balance, empathy and cultural diversity.
For Édouard Glissant (French writer, poet and philosopher) the "poetics of the relationship" (Poétique de la Relation) stands for a human identity that is defined by the variety of relationships and not by an ethnic one, namely descent. In this context, he distinguishes between “globalization” (Fr. mondialisation) and “globality” (Fr. mondialité): “What is called globalization is assimilation at the lowest level, the rule of multinational corporations, standardization and unregulated liberalism at the markets of the world. But for me it is just the flip side of a wonderful reality that I call globality.” Globality and globalization are two sides of the same phenomenon. By "globalization" Glissant means the capitalist project of multinational corporations and the associated cultural leveling (standardization). GLOBALITY, on the other hand, harbors productive potential through creative interactions between cultures. This is how complex cultures (cultures composites) arise.
The exhibitions would like to emphasize the optimism of GLOBALITY and each exhibition explores different nuances of this subject matter and streams of thoughts.
SPRINGER QUARTIER, Fuhlentwiete 3, 20355 Hamburg
The current off-location and exhibition space is part of the program Frei_Fläche: Raum für kreative Zwischennutzung by the Kreativegesellschaft Hamburg and the Fonds für kreative Zwischennutzung. For more information please visit: www.kreativgesellschaft.org